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Please be very wary of any therapist advertising client testimonials:

It is a breach of client confidentiality and an ethical therapist should never confirm that a person is a client of theirs.  A trusting relationship is essential to good therapy, especially as a client may be navigating through a vulnerable time in their life, asking for a reference in such a situation is unethical

Finally, be especially wary of any therapist advertising success rates.  Therapy is a personal process and unless they are quoting a published clinical trial you can assume they are simply made up for advertising purposes.  Take a look at my where is the proof page for evidence of hypnotherapy.

Finding a good therapist can be daunting, it is important to look for someone with a good education and to trust your intuition.

I have a genuine interest in the success of all my clients and good rapport is essential to that process.

In accordance with the National Society of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy’ code of ethics I must always act in the best interest of my clients which includes being completely upfront about what I can work with and what I can not.

I support the growth of good legitimate therapy in the UK and stronger legislation against those who do not.